Hringur deyja
SZLH 685 K35 SZLH685/245 Fóðrunarpillur Mill hlutar hringir
SZLH 685 K35 SZLH685/245 Fóðrunarpillur Mill Ring Die;
Fóðurvinnsluvél Pelet Machine Ring Die;
DPBS 520-178 Pellet Mills Pelleting Machins Precision Pelleting Dies
Stærð: 618*520*222*178
Pelleting okkar deyr og rúlla skeljar færir þér hæsta stig nákvæmni og endingu. Í boði fyrir Bühler Pellet Mill og önnur vörumerki.Buhler DPBS 520-178 Pellet Mills Pelleting Machines Bühler Precision Pelleting Dies
Pellet Szlh685/245 Ring Die
Sérsniðin ryðfríu stálhringur deyr
aðstoða við að stilla þjöppunarhlutfallið ;
Kína liyang hringur verksmiðja ;
Mzlh Pellet Mill Ring Die -
MUZL1210 MUZL 1210 SZLH935/270 SZLH 935 Pellet Machine Ring Die
MUZL2010 MUZL 2010 SZLH935/270 SZLH 935 Pellet Machine Ring Die;
Fóðurvinnsluvélar Varahlutir;
K20 SZLH575.205 SZLH575 SZLH 575 Fóðurpellet Mill Ring Ring Die Die
K20 SZLH575.205 SZLH575 SZLH 575 Fóðurpellet Mill hlutar Ring Die ;
Pellet Machine Varahlutir ;
Pellet Press Die ;
SZLH550.200 SZLH550 Fóðurpellur Mill hlutar SZLH 550 RING
SZLH550.200 SZLH550 Fóðrunarkorna Mill hlutar SZLH 550 Ring Die;
Ryðfrítt stálpillu myllahringur deyja;
Matrize Ring Die;
Pellet Press Die;
dýrafóður kögglavél muzl420 muzl350 muzl420b muzl420t skrúfa tegund hringur deyja
SZLH460-160 SLH460/160 Animal Feed Pellet Making Machine Ring Die
S/n Líkan SIZEOD*ID*Heildarbreidd*Breidd púða -mm 1 MUZL350; SZLH350 422*350*142*100 2 MUZL420 495*420*180*138 3 MUZL420T 604*460*216*140 4 MUZL420TW (SZLH460-160) 560*460*209*160 5 MUZL460 560*460*185*140 6 MUZL460-138; SZLH460-138 560*460*185*138 7 Muzl460 (Hoop) 605*460*215*138 8 Muzl600 (Hoop) 735 (670)*550*260*170 9 MUZL600 (Skrúfutegund) 670*550*235*170 10 MUZL610 (Skrúfutegund) 640*520*237*178 11 MUZL610M 680*520*182*82 12 MUZL600T 670*552*255*190 13 MUZL610TW 670*551*285*220 14 MUZL1200 791*650*245*175 15 MUZL1210C 752*632*256*196 16 MUZL1610C 960*802*315*223 17 K15 750*535*308*190 18 K25 790*577*356*210 19 K35 -
Tyrkland 660 Ring Die Material X46cr13 Pellet Machine Rolls and Discs
Tyrkland 660 Ring Die Material X46cr13 Pellet Machine Rolls and Discs; Pellet Mill Ring Die; Pellet Mill Varahlutir; Matrix Die;
Cpm 7932-7 Pelletizer vél fyrir fylkisdýrafóður Peletizadora bretti mylla cpm7932-7 hringur
Ring Die CPM7936-12 CPM 7936-12;
CPM 7932-5 Pellet Mill Die;
Wood Pellet Die CPM 7932-5;
CPM 7932-5 Pellet Machine Ryðfrítt stál X46CR13;
Buhler AHHC/AHHB530-192 FISKUR OG Rækju 1.0mm Pellet Machine Ring Die
Buhler Ahhc/Ahhb530-192 Pellet Machine Ring Die ; AHHC530-172; Ryðfrítt stál SS Ring Die ; Pellet Extruder ;